UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

emPty ParkinG Lot..

During weekends, IKEA is always and forever full. The crowd.. gosh! If you arrive at IKEA in the afternoon, you'll be sure to feel a bit piss off because it is hard to find a parking spot. I'm sure most of us had gone through the experience. 

But contra to that, Edi and I decided to go to IKEA early in the morning. Well, not at the break of dawn. Around 10am-11am. It was on a Saturday. How happy we felt to see the empty parking space. Sure, cars were starting to occupy the lot bit by bit, but as you can see in the photos above, it was mostly empty. As I said in my fb, one of the perks of having IKEA just 10 minutes away from home. 

We went to IKEA just to take the latest catalogue for my sister. We did not intend to buy anything. Just to pass time cause we were already there, we had an early lunch. There was a new menu available. Chicken breast with pasta. It was quite okey, but I prefer the salmon more. You can't eat at IKEA without the meatballs! But we chose to take the smaller portion because we felt like eating the chicken wing as well. 

This weekend is Raya Haji celebration. What will you be doing and where will you go?


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