UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

An annOyinG stArt I havE To aCCept..

Woke up at 5-ish in the morning for my 1st sahur of the year. I was very excited to eat my cereal that I bought yesterday.

Rarely bought
When I opened the box, I felt like screaming!! It was full of ants crawling here and there having the feast of their life. =,(
I tried a few attempts to shake the ants off but to no avail. Sedihnyerr.. I didn't know what else to do. It's a bit expensive but what to do. It's just not my rezeki during this Ramadhan.

soGo oH sOgo!!

Tell you the truth. I don't like going to Sogo, period. Every time I go there, there will always be a sea of people. Yes, the sale. But I don't think it's worth pushing ans shoving around just to buy a handbag. I rather go to Jcard Day at Jusco. Yes, there will be a lot of people, but not as many as at Sogo. 

Last weekend, I had to go to Sogo. Notice the word "had"..? This may be a fact for some of you. I am always the teacher who has to tag along on a "Students Trip". Same goes with this post. Usually after the students' programs are done, we will go somewhere to chill or shop. This particular time, one of the teachers involved insisted on going to Sogo to shop for raya celebration. I didn't think much of it. I only thought to myself, "Just go along with her, I may not be interested in buying anything at Sogo".

After walking for about 5 minutes (from KLMU to Sogo), we reached Sogo. My my!! Sesak!! I went nearer and I realized it was Scard Day. Some sort of a Jcard Day. Members only. To show eagerness, my friend applied for the card! I don't know when she'll be using it again. No matter. We went inside. Oh my goodness! I don't know where to go or what to do. I was thinking if a child got lost during this chaotic time, I don't know how will the parents find the child.

I didn't have the heart to shop looking at the huge crowd! I had definitely lost my appetite to shop. All I wanted to do was look for food or something to drink. The queue was long even for buying a drink. Tension!! I managed to buy some Famous Amos. 

Bottom line.. I don't ever want to go there anymore. Please don't ask me to come along if you want to go.

Look to the right.

Look to the front.

Look to the left.

Look at the back.

1 hour queue. Die of exhaustion.

a nEw decOr..

It has been awhile since I updated this blog. Padahal baru berapa hari.. Huhuu.. I have a lot to update about, but I don't have the right time to sit and type.So instead, I update my blog by changing my "interior design". What do you think? Cute? =D

Can I entertain you with some pictures of me during my photoshoot at Putrajaya last month? I have already uploaded them in my fb. 

These tops were bought when I was in Bandung, Indonesia. The jeans is also one of my purchase there. Oh, Don't forget the boots and the ballet flats.

First 2 pictures were taken around the Jambatan Wawasan. The next 2 pictures were taken around Masjid Besi. And for the last 2, Edi was trying to toy around with the sunset.

broThers - weDDIng..

Don't wanna say much, just enjoy the pictures.. =)

The red cuppy cakes sponsored by Sabrina

Where you can find us.

I sponsored the cendol. Sold like hot cakes!

Pasukan kompang cilik

You should know that he'd just acting.

The reception

Brides and grooms

Ready to march

Cute deco

Small fish with a big heart

Can you tell that I'm tired?

Kids playing "Just Married"

Whatever people say

The other kid

Gold Rose Chrome

Broken by neighbour's kids, fixed by edi

So that I can play swing again


All of us together during night time
By the way, I was wearing the kurung that I bought in Bandung. Crooked knit makes it unique and I like it!

wEddinG wKnd..

I had a very busy weekend that I wish I can prolong the weekend, at least for another day. It was the wedding weekend for Ding+Rina and Mie+Raiyan. Everything needed to be done in a short time. We had extra help of course. But running here and there can really make you fatigue. Edi also came back with his parents. I only spend so little time with him. Sob sob =(

Anyway, as I am typing this, I am converting most of the pictures from RAW to JPEG. Other lappy can't view RAW. So.. 

Photos from the wedding will be up soon. I just need to choose which one to upload. So many nice ones, it's hard for me to choose. It would be too much if I upload all. Because then you'll hurt your fingers scrolling!

A picture that has nothing to do with this post! ;P


Today, all of them are back here in Kuala Terengganu. All of my siblings are here, with their plus 1! Feels like raya again, hence the last year raya pictures. 
They are back for the male siblings "sambut menantu" which happens tomorrow. Edi is coming back too and he'll arrive later in the evening. 
Anyway, I think most of the preparation are done. Just a few here and there to touch up. We're gonna wear pink as it is the theme. Hopefully pictures will be up soon in a day or two. =)

hoLidaY tEars..

Some photos taken when we went to Kenyir Lake a few months back. This short getaway turned sour because..
1) it was raining all day
2) we didn't get to island hop  
3) we didn't get any room, blamed on ourselves for not booking earlier
4) food was expensive, not worth it at all 
5) hotel service was not a thumbs up!

We are not giving up because we still want to go there some day. We'll make sure that we are well prepared when we go there the second time.

But I can say this. I have lots of fun taking photos in the rain. Something different for a change! 

P/S : When I say "we", you know who I meant right? =) 

bLue Library

Last week was oral time for my students. I prefer to bring them to the school library to do so. Usually I don't have enough time to test the whole class in a session. But there was this one day I was able to do so. I even had a few extra minutes. So I told the students to read anything while waiting for the next class. I too browse through some racks. And oh gosh!! What have I found...

 A whole rack of "interesting" books. When I say interesting, it means interesting for me. For others, I just don't care. 

I was very interested in this 2 books. Even though the books looked like for teens, who cares? I still feel like a teen myself! =D
But I wasn't able to borrow this because they were still not processed yet. Whatever that means. So I opt for another book. Browsing through again, I found this...

 This looks interesting. It's about the love between an old Indian woman and an old Malay man. Very old. Plus this book is written by a Malaysian, Azizi Hj Abdullah. 

The thing that I was thinking when I was borrowing  this book was.. I still have a lot of books at home that I still have yet to read. But gatal want to borrow this book. And dreaming of borrowing the whole rack (1st picture) one day. Guess I just have to keep on dreaming. Cause like I said before, yes I love to read but no I don't spend so much time reading nowadays. 

Can I upload a picture of myself? Menyelit tetiba.. iskk..


Last SaturdaY..

Last Saturday I had to go to school as there was a State Level PMR Camp at my school. Yours truly was one of the facilitators. It was quite okey teaching other students. They don't know me and I don't know them. So everyone behaved themselves. Anyway, while driving to school, I saw this...

Such a waste of water. Tons and tons of water. I don't like it. There was a short jam because of this. 

This is me after getting ready to go to school. I decided to use this as my profile picture for the blog. As you can see, I have freckles.

I decided to take a photo of myself before my class started. I intended to take some photos in class. But unfortunately, I forgot. Maybe I was so into teaching the new students.

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blogging about whatever that comes to mind


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