UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

IpbA friEndS..

After adjusting the time and place here and there, we finally met at One Utama yesterday. I don't mind at all cause it is just a stone's throw away from my house. But not many could make it. As always, it is hard to gather a whole bunch of people who have their own commitment. So whoever could make it, came. 

One of my friends said two hours seems like two minutes when you are catching up with your close friends. Well, it was. So many things to share and tell. Everyone wanted to talk at the same time. One topic after another. I just wish more of my friends came. Maybe next time. 

What was the most exciting part is that even our lecturer joined us. She became our friend after KPLI. She is just the person you call young at heart. I hope I'll be just like her in the future. I do still want to spend time with friends, even when I am a senior citizen. Hahah.. is that possible?

Later at night, Edi and I went to have dinner at this Pakistani restaurant nearby. I haven't been there before. It was a change after eating so much of Japanese food.

bDaY Ding..

Yesterday we celebrated one of our siblings birthday. Ding is the brother after me, he is the third child. With our mother gone to Madinah, it is nice to get together just the six of us, plus the in-laws of course.

So we gathered here last night. We bought a cake and KFC. We ordered Pizza Hut. The in-laws brought a few dishes as well. We discovered that Ghazi loves babies so much. He wanted to put Uzma on his lap a few times, even when the girl was screaming, he still wanted to play with her. Meanwhile, Umar also wanted to play with the babies, but not the appropriate why. He was jumping here and there, closely to the sleeping babies. Making us worried that he might accidentally step on the girls.

Sadly, there wasn't any picture of all of us together. =(

Full table

The cake

Ding - white shirt

Ghazi nk bg minum susu

Shawl - Online shop
Cardigan - Topshop
Dress - The Salvatore
Brooch - gift from students
Bangles - Phuket

wknD + schooL hoLidaY + paY daY..

What do you get if you combine all three?

You will get this..

A sea of people. ~.~"

Anyway, we had Japanese lunch again. This time we went to Sushi King. Don't know why we've been eating Japanese a lot nowadays.

Chuka Lidako - a must

My bento

Edi's set

Enjoying myself

We went to IPC to finally buy an air-conditioner. I personally don't want it because I believe that it contributes to the global warming. But the weather now is not helping my believe even for a bit. It is so hot that even staying indoors makes me sweat. Sleeping at night is not as comfortable as before. I had to give in. 

So we'll be sleeping with the air conditioner from now on. Hopefully the bills won't shoot up drastically.

Me with Troy's colorful horse - Trojan

shOppinG foR hoLidaY..

Is it too much to go shopping to prepare myself to go on a holiday? I can't keep track of my spending already. That sounds bad. What is worse is that I still have not receive my pay. I have been using Edi's money. I wonder how much must I repay him once I finally receive my arrears of pay. 

My claim is finally in the right hand. Now my hope is that she process it as quickly as possible. I know the process is going to take a very long time, but at least it is there already, rather than lost somewhere.

Anyway, I think my stuff and preparation are almost ready. There are a few more minor things that I have to buy. That reminds me, I need to finish my school work before I take off. One more class to go, then it will be computer work. Syukur it is not that hard to do. Hopefully the line will be okay and fast.

I didn't mean to buy this

Laman GriLL stEak anD BBq

Finally we managed to dine in this restaurant. Twice we went and it was fully booked. We went on a Friday night, hoping that it will not be full as it was not a weekend. It was certainly full as well but not as pack as before. We managed to get a table because we went early. Thumbs up for Chef Zubir. 

We went to have dinner with Edi's friends, Macha and Razi (with family). Razi made a surprise bringing a cake for Edi. His birthday is around the corner. The staff helped to serve the cake. They played the birthday song as well for the whole restaurant to hear. Edi was happy. =D

Next time if I want to come here again, I think I'll make a reservation, just to be on the safe side. My friends from KPLI want to have lunch here next week. I don't know whether the plan is confirmed or not. Everybody seems to be quiet. 

Californian Strawberry - delicious!!

My Norwegian Salmon

Edi's Surf and Turf

Macha's steak

Asma's meats

MintY tEa..

Dinner at Mukha, which is nearby the house. Nothing much to tell. Dinner wasn't that amazing. Just enjoy the normal pictures k.

Edi's minty tea

Edi trying to drink like a sir

Our dinner and dessert

Anyway, school holiday is near. Can't wait to go on the trip to down under (again!). After that we'll be going to up north to enjoy the sunshine. As if we don't have enough if that here in Malaysia. But mostly I can't wait to go down under, really need the low temperature right now. Malaysia is so hot and I heard that it is going to be hotter during the fasting month. One of the challenges that we have to endure.

That night when everything went wrong.

sakAe suShi..

Just sharing our dinner a few nights back. First time eating here. Can't help but to compare with Zanmai Sushi. I vote for Zanmai Sushi. 

On another note, I have to go to school early today because I need to stop at the post office. I must post my transfer claim, for the SECOND time!! This time I am going to make it registered. Maybe this time my previous school will received and can't deny it! I just still can't believe they did not received my first claim. As if I don't remember the address already.

kLanG + sHah aLam..

Went to my niece's Kenduri Aqiqah recently. Met with other relatives there. The ceremony went well. The decoration was superb. The celebrated Hazirah went to sleep during the ceremony. I wasn't able to play with her much. 

The sleeping beauty, Hazirah

Smiling Uzma

Kute Edi feeding Uzma

Afterwards, we went to Shah Alam to shop for my baju raya. We went to this boutique called Zuhaa. It is situated at the same block as Radiusite. I bought 2. Actually I wanted to buy 3, but since the boutique did not have a credit card service, too bad then. As if I carry so much cash around.

Went to Radiusite, but the shawl that I wanted was sold out

We had an early dinner that day. At first we wanted to dine in Laman Grill which was suppose to be famous as it is owned by a well-known chef, Chef Zubir. But it was fully booked. We actually went there again yesterday, but we had to wait for an hour for the food. Because of that we canceled eating there. We went there twice and we were not able to eat there yet. That is frustrating. Come on Chef Zubir!! You can do better than this.

So back to the story, we ended up eating at the next door restaurant. Sateori Mexican Grill. The food was not bad because the prices are cheap and the taste was yummy. 

Mine - with nachos
Edi's - with coleslaw

Shawl - Brand's Outlet
Cardigan - MissLily Shop
Polkadot dress - ThePopLook
Handbag and wedges - Charles and Keith
Brooch - from Sabah

naNi + paDDingtOn hOuse oF panCakEs..

We planned to go to KLCC actually to buy the Urban Decay Palette. But when my friend called saying she was at IKEA, we changed our plan. She came from Malacca and she had a course in Bangi. So why not go see her since the last time I saw her was last year. 

Too bad Nani already had lunch, or I would have bought her lunch. While Edi and I ate lunch, she just drank her coffee. Catching up is a must. We gossiped and laughed. 

My lunch


After we waved goodbye, Edi wanted to go to Harvey Norman, just to window shopped. The dreams are big  but we have to wait for now. Afterwards, we went to The Curve to buy glasses. He bought one and I bought one. We need to change our glasses as they are a few years old already. 

Before we headed back, we stopped for an evening snack. We tried the Paddington House of Pancakes. The restaurant is always there but we never really wanted to try it. So that was our first time and the pancakes were delicious indeed. Different to be exact.

Evening coffee

Mine wa with ice cream

Edi's was with squids and prawns.

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