UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

rEportinG foR dUty...

Finally today I had the chance to meet up with the principal of SMK Sinar Bintang, me new school. I'll be teaching there starting 2012. 

The school isn't big, there are 4 blocks and a canteen. The principal told me that there are about 2000 students in the school. The discipline is okey. I hope there's no gangsterisme in the school. There are a few schools around the area, and this school is suppose to be the students' and parents' second choice, after SMK Kepong Baru.

As expected, I'll be teaching in the evening session. That is always the case. If you are new, most probably you'll teach in the evening session. Unless you teach chemistry, physics, biology, account etc. Students from form 1 and 2 are in the evening session. 

Guess what subject I'll be teaching?!!


And they say there is more than enough English teachers in KL!! (Marah tul!!). The principal said that there is not enough English teachers for the evening session. Well, good news!! I do teach English for form 1 and 2.

I even secured a place for myself. It is situated somewhere in the middle of the staffroom. I hope and pray that the teachers there are friendly and helpful.

The canteen

Between blocks

Gazebo and basketball court


After reporting duty, I went to Tesco again for some groceries shopping. Surprise surprise.. I only spent RM48. It's because I only bought a few things. Remember once I told you that if I go groceries shopping, I have to budget about RM100? It's different today.

A few groceries


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