UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..


Went to PPUM recently with my sister, Hasanah. It has been quite a while since I last drove around that area. The road that I always take during my uni years. 

No, I did not go there for myself. I am okay. I went there to visit my sister-in-law who was warded due to high blood pressure. She is pregnant. I think she started to have this high blood pressure during her pregnancy. She was warded about 3 days so that the doctor can observe her. They also wanted to decide which day for her to go in labor. Due to the high blood pressure also, she has to deliver early than scheduled.

The gender of the baby is still a mystery. But I still can't wait to see my 3rd nephew or niece!

Oh yeah, one more thing. When we were walking towards the ward, a very sexy chick walked in front of us. They way she swayed her hips, the high heels, the long straight hair, and her mini skirt. The only weird thing was that she was tall and big. 

So eventually we arrived at the lift. She was going on the same lift as us. When we got in, everything turned their body, obviously. That was the time me and Sanah put on our poker face. The big girl was actually a man. The face doesn't go with the face, at all!!


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