UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

YounG From inSide..

This is my mother's thing. She asked me and my sister to follow her to this one talk at Sumai Suite Hotel last weekend. She said it was a health care something something. But I knew it was about MLM. Iskk.. And I guessed right. Luckily they were not that forceful or too hard-up for sales.

At first I did not want to go but Edi convinced me to go along. He said, "Just hear it out, you don't have to buy anything." He tagged along of course, to keep me company. The product is RX Water. Have you heard about it? I wasn't interested in the product so much, because Ma always tells us about the water's benefits. The second product was RX Lite. The usual diet product. Still not interested in that. Then came the third product, which was RX Young. Now this one is different. I may be interested in this product. Whenever they talked about a product, Edi immediately surfed the net for more information. Anyway, this RX Young contains a lot of stuff. Edi looked up the net for all the stuff, and it seemed believable. The product is suppose to enhance our energy from inside. Not to say that you will look young and beautiful from outside. Plus, it can cure some diseases. As the founder was suppose to have leukemia and he was cured consuming this RX Young.

I am here not to promote this stuff at all. I am not interested at all in MLM. Yes, they told us the marketing plan, which was blahh. Meaning that I think it is the same with other MLM. Maybe the difference is the commission is more. Which explains why the product is expensive. I felt like buying RX Young, but I definitely don't want to be a member of this MLM. But knowing the price, I ended up not buying anything, except the sample. Aren't sample suppose to be free? Why did they charged for the sample? Money is the answer. We'll see whether I will buy it or not in the future. I may use my mother's membership to buy it anyway. 


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