UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

parT 2 - kpLi 2006

I was not made to be a runaway model

But I know how to pose!

Time to teach those foreigners how to play conkak

Kadet Remaja Sekolah, IPBA

Kawad yang terabur

Now this activity, I loved very much! When can I do it again?

Teacher's Day celebration

I can't remember what was this for, but we were at Taman Negara, Pahang

We dream of being mermaids

Nice view huh?

We stayed at chalets, and these were my roommates.

Other activities that we had to do.

1) Hari Kebudayaan. Guests from overseas came to our college. We had to put on performances to show them our culture. One of them is Batek Fashion Show, which I was one of the models. Kind of embarrassing because I don't know how to walk. Am I doing too much? Is my face okey? Will I fall? There was also Dikir Barat and some traditional dance performances. Other than that, exhibition on traditional and culture stuff were done at the hall. As you can see from the pictures above, my friends and I played the congkak.

2) Kadet Remaja Sekolah. Every uniform unit had to go on a camping trip. So we went to Johor. We got to meet other teachers-to-be from other colleges. It was kinda cool because our team was the most relaxed. This was because, our lecturer, Encik Arus, wasn't pressuring us to win anything. I noticed that the other teams were taking things seriously. We just went with the flow. We did not care if we didn't win. All we wanted was to have fun and yes, how fun we had that time!

3) Teacher's Day. Nothing much to say here. Just that we celebrated it in the main hall. My class did dikir barat. Thinking about it, my class always did dikir barat. This is because we had Syam, who was a dikir "expert". He was a good "tukang karut" as his voice is very melodious. I give him A for his performance. 

4) Taman Negara. I remember going here towards the end of the second term. Or was it mid term? Anyway, I don't remember why we went there, but I remember this activity was under En. Bahar. It was cool as I never been to Taman Negara before. I like that sort of adventure back then. Nowadays, not so much. When you go into the jungle, it will always be the same thing. Jungle trekking, cave walking, canopy walking, dip in the river etc. Well, we did all that.  


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