UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

a New cOmpaniOn..

So this is the news that I have mention before. The big news. I don't know how many of you are waiting for the news, but what I'm sure off is that I am the one who can't wait to share it!

Tadaaaa!! I have a new best friend!!   

I have been driving my old car, Kelisa for 8 years now. She was my first car. The car that had been with me through laughter and tears, through my ups and downs. It was a mixed feeling just now when I had to leave her behind. I felt sad to be apart, to let her go. But I know that it is time to move on. I was also happy to have a new car. This car is also a she. Just because she has a sexy ass. =D

I don't actually have a strong reason to change car. I was okay with my kelisa. Yes, she is old, she is in standard 2 already, if you count in human age. Sometimes she does grumble a bit, making noises here and there. But still she served me well. She served me well until the end. You have heard about cars "merajuk" when the owner wants to change car. They start to broke down in the middle of the highway, or worse, no where. They won't cooperate as much as before. My kelisa never did that to me. She had good manners until the end.

Maybe one of the reasons I bought this new car is because my mom complained a few times about my kelisa. She said the car is old. And that I need to buy a new car, which is much more comfortable. Other than that, I always joke around with Edi about buying a new car. I never intended to buy one. But once you keep on talking, or in my case, joke around about the same thing for quite sometime, then you tend to do just that. 

I always wanted a big car so that I can call it a "he".  I was so into 4WD. There was the Harrier, CRV, Fortuner and even X6. Hey, who am I kidding? I don't have the budget at all. Plus, there is no need for me buy such big cars. There is only me. Sometimes, there is Edi. And at other times, there are my siblings or parents. But most if the time, it's only me, alone. 

So instead of buying a 4WD, I bought myself a car which is sporty. And I would like to call her.. excuse the long name.. Teha jadi Bini Edi pada 1.09. 

What I have been staring at for the past 8 years.

Will never be forgotten. =')


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