UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..


Look who came to our room today...

Early in the morning after the assembly, this mother cat came to the teacher's room and brought 4 kittens with her. All of them are mostly white and so adorable!! They did attracted a lot of people. Some ooohh and aahh over them. While some screamed because of them. Geli laa tuh. The students who came to the teacher's room played with the cats. Even the teachers who love cats played with them. I did asked around if there was anyone interested to adopt them, but to no avail. I did think of bringing them home with me. Considering the long journey and my black cats at home, I just had to forget the idea. Then one of the teachers said that we should just take care of them here in the teacher's room. I was quite happy with the idea. Some disagree because there is the risk the cats might do their "business" in the room. Well, we just to wait and see, won't we? 

Towards the end of school hour, after I came back from lunch, I saw that the kittens were playing all around the school. There was only one kitten left in the teacher's room. I felt a bit sad because the siblings were separated and I'm not sure whether they will find each other or not. The mother was feeling safe, she slept on  one of the chairs, when her kittens were running all around the school. Dramatic much? Can't wait to go to school tomorrow to see the cats. Whoever threw them at the school owe the cats big time! They should have threw the cats at some restaurant or the market, where there is a lot of food. But a school? There is only the school canteen, which opens only for half a day.


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