UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

InspiRed By diAna riKasaRi..

I have been reading her blog for a week now. I still have not finish reading. There are about 2 more years to go. What I notice is that she wears this kind of glasses, when she actually does not need the glasses. She wears it in the name of fashion. It does work for her. It suits her. 

Does it suit me as well?

The geek look

I have been thinking of buying a new pair of glasses to wear at home. Of course I don't wear it outside. There's no point buying something that is expensive. Any thoughts?


Too lazy to type/write as I'm busy reading a fashion blog, Diana Rikasari. So I am going to just upload photos of me. This somewhere in Ampang during Deepavali holidays.

Shawl - Unbranded
Shirt - MissLily Shop
Cardigan - Bandung
Jeans - Zara
Wedges - Voir
Bag - Unbranded
Accessories - Variety

caPAti fOr bReakfaSt..

It is situated at Jln Duta. The target customers are the government servants who work nearby. There is also a court nearby. So lawyers also come here to eat breakfast and lunch. It is open during weekdays only. 
 This is the first time I went there. Edi was on leave the day after Deepavali, just to accompany me. We had to send Syahir to work anyway as he was not on leave. We took the opportunity to have breakfast at the food court.

Sure enough the capati was delicious. The curry was different from the usual mamak's style. I had to buy some more to bring back for my parents and sister. Edi informed me that many people come here everyday to eat and it is quite famous. I just hope that I can have breakfast there again soon!

The capati

The pakcik behind the capati

I was wearing orange, so did Edi

The floral dress I bought in Malacca during one of the student trips

BreaD puDDinG..

Edi baked this bread pudding once when his office had a pot luck. I was back in Terengganu when that happened. So, now that I'm here in KL, he wanted to bake again so that I can taste it. We bought at the stuff at the grocery shop nearby. We bought milk, eggs, peaches and bread. We already have the other stuff at home. 

 I was in charged on the bread and peach. Edi prepared the milk, flour and sugar to pour in the bread that had been layered with chocolate chips and peaches. After nearly 45minutes of baking, the bread pudding was ready to be eaten. We shared it with the household. They were my mom, my step dad, my 2 sisters and my brother in law. Suddenly there are many people in the house. Before this, I was all alone when Edi went to work. 
Close up with bread pudding


Have you ever heard of toyger before? I haven't, until now. I'm in love!! Can anyone buy me a toyger for my next birthday? Let me cut paste the info from Mr. Google.

Origin - History - Development
The person who had the idea of developing this cat breed is Judy Sugden of EEYAA Cattery (USA). I think that a description of the origin of the cat should begin with a short discussion about the kind of market the cat is designed for. As stated, I think that it was uppermost in the mind when this breed was developed.
It seems that it was decided that there was (and still is) a strong interest in exotic wild cats (and indeed wild animals generally). Some people like to be near and/or involved in such animals. This is difficult because they are dangerous and in any case mankind's activities are endangering them. There is also a desire by some to possess great looking things, whatever it is. This is human nature.
Bring these two factors together and you have a clear market for a wild tiger that is fully domesticated and is small enough to take home and fit in with modern living. And that includes apartment living. This cat would also be a constant reminder of the plight of the wild tiger. We have then the Toyger or a toy sized tiger. The market clearly in mind; how to meet it?
The breed was originally developed by refining and clarifying the mackerel tabby pattern on Domestic Shorthair cats in 1980. "Tabby" refers to the coat type found on mixed breed cats and on some pure bred cats (if the breed standard allows). A tabby coat has distinctive markings, in this case, stripes. These stripes resembled the look of a certain type of silk made in Baghdad many centuries ago. 

The tabby stripe had the potential of being developed through careful breeding to appear like tiger markings (clarified, more distinct and greater contrast). By importing and introducing a male cat from Kashmir, India in 1993, which had suitable head markings and breeding from him, the appearance of the tiger head was developed. Note: Jean Mills the founder of the Bengal did almost the same thing so perhaps the idea came from her.
Thereafter and currently (as I understand it) the breed is being crossed with Bengal cats (hence this is a hybrid cat) to reflect the big wild cats' coat (and conformation). Early in the development program a bemgal called, Millwood Rumpled Spotskin, was bred with domestic cats and is considered the cornerstone of the breed.

So, what do you think? Still unsure about the toyger? Let me show how cute they are. You'll go awww for sure.
Look at the fur!!

My very own tiger

They still have the tiger's blood

Very beautiful

Awwww.. >.<

They are tall

and they are big/long

What do you think? Awesome right... 

Ri-Yaz HeriTagE Hi-Tea..

This was yesterday. A yearly celebration for the prefects and library prefects. Last year, it was done at Tanjung Vista, Ladang. This year it was held at Ri-Yaz Heritage, Pulau Duyong. This is where the Monsoon Cup took place every year.

 My friends and I were the first to arrive from school. Semangat! We planned to pray there first. Unlike the rest who prayed at school before coming to the resort. I was in charge of taking photos for the events. Nowadays they like for me to be the photographer. Wonder why.. Oh, this year we had to pay for the hi-tea. Before this we never had to pay because library has the budget for such event. Guess how it made me feel?

Not much to tell, except the past haunted me for a while there. Anyways, let's enjoy the pictures.


The view from the balcony.

For the students

Library prefects and the teachers

Geng datang awal

LeftOver MoneY..

This year, my speech choir team won 3rd place, as I mentioned it several times. After deciding to have t-shirts for each of us, there was still money left. So like last year, we celebrated the team. But the budget was smaller, we won RM1k. Compare to RM1500 that we won last year. 

We had nasi minyak with only one lauk, which was enough. The rice was a lot that we managed to invite many of the teachers to eat as well. 

Ayam masak merah yang best!

Acar yang x berapa boleh makan.

Tid Bits utk bebudak.

Kek juga utk bebudak, licin mereka kerjakan.

Bancuh air yg manis. Euww..

Sibuk berebut nak amek nasi.

English teachers also want to eat.

Bila panggil cikgu2 lain dtg makan.

Like my batek?

FrienDs tO waSte timE wiTh..

Today right after school, my friends and I hanged out together at several places. The real reason was to go to a boutique as one of us wanted to buy a ready made baju kurung for our annual dinner, which is next week. But before reaching the boutique, we went to buy grocery stuff for tomorrow's brunch. This brunch is actually for the speech choir students. They still have their money from their 3rd place prize. After that we went to Giant because one of us wanted to withdraw money. Just because we were in Giant, we window shopped for some ready made dresses. But none was interesting enough. Then, a couple of us complained that we were starving already. So what did we do? We went for lunch at the Giant food court, outside. After eating and chatting for quite some time, finally we decided to make a move to the boutique. It was already 5p.m at that time. When we reached the boutique, sure enough, it was already closed! Bummer! Frust je memasing. 

When one wants 3 layered tea, the rest follow.

My fish and chip, doesn't look that mouthwatering huh?

Everyone was serious with their food. Smile people!

Just to add in another post. This is yesterday. My family and I went for dinner at Paradise Deluxe. The dinner was okey and usual. What I want to tell, or rather show here is my new way of wearing the shawl. It was not as neat because that was my first time wearing like that. I saw it in fb. Someone wore this way, and I decided to try also. 

I don't know what they call it, so I will call it X.

Okey ke pakai X cmnih?

The dinner

UMT hEre i ComE!!

Since the PMR is over, there are a lot of activities arranged for the form 3 students. Mostly the activities are arranged by the counselors. Sometimes I am involved in the activities as I teach form 3 classes every year. This year, I taught 3 classes while last year, 4 classes. When I'm involved in any activity, I'm sure I will post something in this blog. 

This specific activity happened last Thursday. 60 form 3 students had to go to Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. UMT has this program called USR, which is University Social Relationship. They handpicked our school for this. Before us, I think they invited a nearby primary school for some other activity. 

The program was more of a get-to-know-UMT, that sort of type. They briefed the students on the courses offered there. Maritime was definitely the most interesting one for me. After that, the students had a tour around the campus and also played some games with the facilitators, if you can call them that.

As for us teachers, there were 7 of us. We ate a lot, let me count. We ate breakfast at school early in the morning. Upon arriving, UMT prepared breakfast as well for us. I ate a little. After the courses briefing, the students went for treasure hunt. So what did the teachers do? We went for brunch. I was still full from the 2 breakfasts. Then we went to see the students at the beach, where they were playing some games. After that, we went back to have a tour in the library. Lastly, there was the closing ceremony. How I was wrong. That was not the last of it. We still had lunch together with the UMT people. Oh man! 

So did you counted how many times I ate? Mind you, that was only until afternoon. Plus don't forget I ate nasi arab after all these (refer last post). I really felt like bursting!

Terasa mcm bos sbb driver UMT dtg amek, naik Ford Escape tuhh..

The title of the program.

Sampai2 we ate our second breakfast.

The students were ready for the courses briefing by a ship captain, literally.

Games were played at the beach. Fahim was holding a giant dice.

The girls were ready for "gohek gostang".

Girls with Cikgu Nazli.

Girls with Cikgu Khairuddin.

I have been teaching them for the past 3 years. Next year, bye bye.

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