UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

ContiNuinG tO bE a bOOkwOrm..

Yesterday I blogged about how I love to read. Well, I would like to continue about my collection of books. My library of books. I've been reading since I was little. If my memory serves me right, I started to be addicted to books when I was in standard 5. I was in SKTTDI. That time, it was the Sweet Valley wave. I think I've bought every single book of the Sweet Valley series. 

May I show you my Sweet Valley collection? Get ready because...









Termites' lunch!!!

My life long collection destroyed!!  =(
Some other books that had to be stored away.

Anyway, because of that incident, which happened last year, I'm to store up a new library of books. Im collecting them from time to time. But now with the e-book, I might not have a big library like I used to. Half of my books will be in my Ipad2.

Various collection.

Random books.

A must have collection.

Whites and Sweet Valley that were able to be saved.

Roald Dahl anyone?

Can you tell that I mostly read Chic Lit? =

Can't resist uploading my own photo. This was during the termites invasion. I had enough and just had to go out to chill for awhile.

p/s: I have a few stories to blog. But I don't think I want to do more than 1 in a day. 


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