UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

whEre'S mY 2011 rayA bOnus?

I've arrived KL Thursday night. The next day, Friday was my time to shop for raya. I haven't use my bonus yet, so my hands were itchy to spend some money. Ka ching!! Edi took a day off to accompany me to the mall. He wanted to go to One Utama as it is near, but I wanted to go to Midvalley. I wanted to go to Jusco. Yes, One Utama has a Jusco, but it is still under renovation for I-don't-know-for-how-long. 

We went before noon, the crowd was okey. But I can already see some people with office attire here and there. Bos xder laa tuh.. Nk kuar shopping raya gak. I went to Nose, Charles and Keith and Jusco. Surveyed anything that were possible to be purchased. While waiting for me to do my survey, Edi played games on the Ipad2.

After surveying a few drooled items, we walked around first. There was this Ford promotion near Jusco. We definitely had our eyes on Ford Fiesta. Love it!! Berapa kali keluar masuk kereta tu. Duk driver's seat. Duk kt blkg plak. Tgk bonet, tgk enjin. Hahah. But it is just our dream, for now. But I don't know when I'll have the guts to change my car.  

Then it was time for Edi to go for his Friday prayers. I waited for him at the MPH, bought myself this month Ujang, bumper raya edition. Then I did a mini shopping for a while. I surveyed a couple of stuff some more. The price that I found out was to cry for. I need the stuff, I repeat, need, not want, but expensive nak mampus!! What I bought will be blogged in the next entry.

I waited for Edi to come back to make the final purchase. After purchasing everything that I want and need, I was crying inside. Banyaknyer duit habis. I didn't feel that satisfied feeling after every time I shop. Maybe I do need to retire from shopping. Sayang duit wehh!! I didn't get to buy any shoe and the raya perfume that I wanted so much. Budget had ran down a cliff. Next time maybe.

That night, I had to choose where to have our iftar. There goes my big iftar budget. I decided to eat something that is not that expensive. Nasi beriyani buffet at the price of RM29.00 per person. Boleh laa kan? The restaurant is near our house. Before iftar, I thought there were not much choices of food to choose from. Well, it is a buffet. It's suppose to have a variety of food smpi terbeliak mata tgk. Anyway, during iftar, we took a few dishes first. I took soto, fruits and some kuihs. I drank tea. That's it. I was full!! Td berlagak makanan kurang variety. I didn't even eat the main course yet, which is the Nasi Beriyani. After resting the tummy for a while, I took a teeny weeny Nasi Beriyani. Tp lauk nk sumer. I took the chicken. the lamb, the meat and the egg. I just ate about a couple of bites, I felt bloated already. I felt like my tummy was going to burst. Kembang tekak lg. Finally Edi took my plate and finished it for me. "Mmg xley bwk g buffet budak nih", Edi dh start membebel. Isk..

Before shopping.

Actually, I surveyed everything I want, just did not buy it yet.

Satisfied? I don't think so.

Iftar that night at Ruz Aladdin, TTDI.

Dreaming of a car named Ford Fiesta.

Mouth watering soto.

Colorful desserts.

Healthy appetizer.

Scrumptious main course - Nasi Beriyani.

Tagged along.

Can't move already.


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