UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

aUStraLia Trip 2010 - daY 2

This is where we stayed at Phillip Island. Quite cozy.

It's called Kaloha Holiday Resort. I remember Ridzuan calling this place Kak Leha's. =D 
First thing we did the second day was head to the beach. Again, as if we don't have any beach back home.

The beach was quite calm. Not many people, maybe coz it's still morning.

The real reason for this holiday. Yeayy!! Finally I get to play with the kangaroos. Best!!

These kangaroos are small sized. That's okey. If we went and saw the big ones, we might have been scared to play and cares them. Plus, these ones were cute enough!!

Pity this one. Albino. Never mind. I still think you're cute!

Another reason to go to Aussie. Koala!!! Cute!! Too bad we can't hug them here. But being this close to the koala, I felt excited enough! Anyway, there were a few more animals that we saw such as wallabies, llama, and wombat. Others were the usual such as peacock, alligator and pony.

After animal petting, we went to a strawberry farm to do some strawberry picking.

The strawberries were cheap but too bad we were not able to finish all of them, too many.

Edi was enjoying himself too.

Us girls after strawberry picking. We had delicious ice creams.

That night, we went back to Darling Tower and Edi cooked us dinner. Me and Azida helped. These were the results!!

Later that night, we strolled around town. Most of the shops were closed already. So, I wasn't able to shop yet! Would you look at the shoes!! Droooolllllll..

Not so much traffic during the night. I wonder where the locals went..


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