UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

auStraLia triP 2010 - daY 3

After coming back from Phillip Island, we went back to Victoria, Melbourne. This our apartment, Darling Tower. The place was cozy.

Early in the morning. We were waiting for Amy to come and pick us up. This day was the day we went to town, to buy souvenirs and to do some shopping for ourselves.

We took the tram first. It is widely used there. Why not experience it ourselves. Can you see the tram at the back? It looks a lot like a bus.
After tram, we took the train to a shopping mall. The station was called Flinders Street.

Tourist much?

We arrived at Southern Cross Station, where we went to a shopping mall. I bought a leather handbag.
The Etihad Stadium. Amy said the stadium is famous, but I have not heard of it. Then again, I am not that into sports.

After a bit of shopping, we had churros near a river. I can't recall whether it was our snack or our breakfast.

These are the churros. Crunchy and yummy!! Dip them in chocolate sauce. =9
Look at the satisfied face. =D

When the belly was full, we posed.

The people that I've known for almost about 16 years.
Around town. Us with our shopping bags. Azida ngelat suruh Ridzuan pegang.

A must picture to prove that we were in Melbourne. Heheh..

One of their cool buildings. There were a lot interesting buildings there.

Flinders Street Station. I think this is the centre of the town. There was a huge crowd of people here.

Time to eat lunch. We had Indonesian meal which was scrumptious. Big portion as well, so i had to give to Edi to finish mine.

The sunken library in Melbourne. Nice and unique. Oh, the brown paper beg that Edi's holding contained souvenirs for people back home.

Next stop was the factory outlet. Yup, I did go crazy here. But I was a bit puzzled because it was quite empty. Don't Australians shop? Or was it the timing?

I bought 4 Roxy handbags. A few tops. It was satisfying to be able to go crazy shopping. Whenever will I have that experience again?

Some people were already tired of walking and shopping , but not me!

After all the shopping activities, we strolled along a park. Were we that excited? Except for Amy, she was trying to kick Azida. =P

Edi was tired, so we rested for awhile.

We went to Melbourne during the summer. So there were a lot of ice creams and yogurts sold. We just had to try them also.

Let's rest for a bit while enjoying our yogurt ice creams.

This was our last place in Melbourne. Albert Park Manor, a budget hotel. Quite scary at night, bit it didn't matter. We were too tired to be scared of the eerie ambiance.

At night, we posed while waiting for Amy to come and pick us up for dinner.

We had kebab, and still it was a big portion. But luckily, this time, I managed to finish my meal. Finally!

After dinner, we walked around town again. Not many people were around, so we could fool around taking pictures.

Some night sceneries.

Yeah, keep on dreaming. As if we can afford staying at the Hyatt!


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