UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

raYa puRchaSe..

I'm going to leave you with a photo of what I have purchased for raya. The one that I promised to post. But I'm going to leave you with only one photo. There's suppose to be another one, but I'll post it another time, because the products are not for raya celebration.

I'm going to go back to Taiping tonight, and I worry that I don't have internet connection that will enable me to update my blog. Mind you, if there is a connection, it will be slow. So, I'll blog again when I come back from Taiping. I think I'll be blogging about raya celebration already. There are a few more stories to tell. We'll see how it goes. 

Charles and Keith handbag and purse. Cost me about rm300.

whEre'S mY 2011 rayA bOnus?

I've arrived KL Thursday night. The next day, Friday was my time to shop for raya. I haven't use my bonus yet, so my hands were itchy to spend some money. Ka ching!! Edi took a day off to accompany me to the mall. He wanted to go to One Utama as it is near, but I wanted to go to Midvalley. I wanted to go to Jusco. Yes, One Utama has a Jusco, but it is still under renovation for I-don't-know-for-how-long. 

We went before noon, the crowd was okey. But I can already see some people with office attire here and there. Bos xder laa tuh.. Nk kuar shopping raya gak. I went to Nose, Charles and Keith and Jusco. Surveyed anything that were possible to be purchased. While waiting for me to do my survey, Edi played games on the Ipad2.

After surveying a few drooled items, we walked around first. There was this Ford promotion near Jusco. We definitely had our eyes on Ford Fiesta. Love it!! Berapa kali keluar masuk kereta tu. Duk driver's seat. Duk kt blkg plak. Tgk bonet, tgk enjin. Hahah. But it is just our dream, for now. But I don't know when I'll have the guts to change my car.  

Then it was time for Edi to go for his Friday prayers. I waited for him at the MPH, bought myself this month Ujang, bumper raya edition. Then I did a mini shopping for a while. I surveyed a couple of stuff some more. The price that I found out was to cry for. I need the stuff, I repeat, need, not want, but expensive nak mampus!! What I bought will be blogged in the next entry.

I waited for Edi to come back to make the final purchase. After purchasing everything that I want and need, I was crying inside. Banyaknyer duit habis. I didn't feel that satisfied feeling after every time I shop. Maybe I do need to retire from shopping. Sayang duit wehh!! I didn't get to buy any shoe and the raya perfume that I wanted so much. Budget had ran down a cliff. Next time maybe.

That night, I had to choose where to have our iftar. There goes my big iftar budget. I decided to eat something that is not that expensive. Nasi beriyani buffet at the price of RM29.00 per person. Boleh laa kan? The restaurant is near our house. Before iftar, I thought there were not much choices of food to choose from. Well, it is a buffet. It's suppose to have a variety of food smpi terbeliak mata tgk. Anyway, during iftar, we took a few dishes first. I took soto, fruits and some kuihs. I drank tea. That's it. I was full!! Td berlagak makanan kurang variety. I didn't even eat the main course yet, which is the Nasi Beriyani. After resting the tummy for a while, I took a teeny weeny Nasi Beriyani. Tp lauk nk sumer. I took the chicken. the lamb, the meat and the egg. I just ate about a couple of bites, I felt bloated already. I felt like my tummy was going to burst. Kembang tekak lg. Finally Edi took my plate and finished it for me. "Mmg xley bwk g buffet budak nih", Edi dh start membebel. Isk..

Before shopping.

Actually, I surveyed everything I want, just did not buy it yet.

Satisfied? I don't think so.

Iftar that night at Ruz Aladdin, TTDI.

Dreaming of a car named Ford Fiesta.

Mouth watering soto.

Colorful desserts.

Healthy appetizer.

Scrumptious main course - Nasi Beriyani.

Tagged along.

Can't move already.

Mcm Mcm teRawikH..

Up until now, I only do 8 rakaat for terawikh prayers. I never did more than that, I don't know why. But I do make sure that I never miss the prayer every night. We only get to do terawikh once a year. But of course I do miss once in awhile as I do need to travel back and forth to KL. Ok, back to my 1st point. After 8 rakaat, I would get up hurriedly so that others who want to continue their terawikh can pray in the proper saf. There are others who are moving out towards the doors also. So, this one night, as we were moving in a crowd towards the door, one makcik suddenly stopped and stood in the middle of the stairs to take off her kain sembahyang. Why on earth do you want to do that there?!! Can't you wait for some place with less people? Or can't you stand near the wall instead of at the middle of the way to do that? You know what I did?! Saya dengan busuk hatinya telah melanggar makcik itu. But not until she fell or anything. It was just like I bumped into her. She was okey. Don't worry. I'm not that mean. So anyway, after that, I looked for my slippers to go back home. The floor is always wet because the entrance is near the wudhu' place. Allah Maha Kaya terus bayar cash kepada saya. I nearly slipped because of the wet floor. But of course I didn't fall la. Kalau x, malu laa I. Iskk. There were a lot of people you know.

2nd point. I don't understand these people who want to pray together, jemaah, but always leave empty spaces in between the saf. I can conclude that they are aiming for the fan. Tempat x kena kipas, x laku laa alamatnyer. There will be a few makciks who will membebel supaya penuhkan saf. Then only they move. But still it seems like they don't learn about this. Takkan laa x belajar zaman sekolah dulu. If we are to fill in the saf, we have to move to our right. Bukannyer ke kiri. Like this one kakak on my left today. She asked me to move towards her. I said to her, "Kena gerak ke kanan laa". She chose to ignore my teguran and let the gap be there. For the person behind us to come forward is impossible because the gap wasn't big enough. But you can still see the gap clearly. The reason she doesn't want to move to her right was because she doesn't want to leave her sejadah. If she moved, she will sujud di antara 2 sejadah. I felt like giving her a piece of my mind, " Orang lain sujud atas pasir xder hal pun".

3rd point is similar to point 2. The gap or empty spaces between saf. As I remember I learnt at school, you can move 3 times in your prayers. So, when we have started our prayers, and we need to move to rapatkan saf, it's okey. you can do that. Worst comes to worst, stop praying and move to rapatkan saf. Then angkat takbir again to start praying. X berdosa pun. Of course we can kejar the imam. But the people here don't do that. I don't understand why they keep on praying with the gap. After finishing the pray, after salam, then only they move towards their right to fill in the saf. Lebih rela kekal solat daripada bergerak rapatkan saf. I don't get it at all.

Even I'm a bit angry, I still have a photo. >.<
This is the mosque where I do my terawikh. But this photo was taken during different occasion.

harTa Karun LamA 4..

This is Batu Ferringhi, Penang. Sorry but the beach is not as beautiful as back home.

Langkawi. Mode honeymoon.

When Ghazi was still little, he likes to play with the water.

During one of the raya eve, cousins and I played paint ball. Does this mean, we were fasting at that time?

Trying to jump across a small river ( if that is what you call it) at Ferringhi Beach.

Again, at Pulau Redang. I think I have lost the picture album. Luckily I have a few left that I managed to save from Friendster. Do you still use your friendster?

harTa karuN LamA 3..

One of the jetties in Kemaman, Terengganu. Nearly settled in Kemaman back then.

Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam. Cousin's wedding reception.

Alamanda Shopping Center, Putrajaya. Escaping from another cousin's wedding.

Another picture at Bukit Tinggi. Rented this kimono and had fun taking pictures with it. Wish I can go there again.

One Utama. Back then I was this little. Isk..

Cousin's wedding in Bangi.

Sick dUring ramAdhan..

I have been on MC for 2 days now. I'm having a really bad sore throat. Plus cough that I hate so much, that makes my abdomen hurts. Plus my nose is running away from me. Plus I lost my voice. Definitely won't go to school without my voice. What's the point if I can't teach. 

I already felt the sore throat on Friday evening. Next day on Saturday I had extra class for my PMR students. I should have canceled the class, but no. I went to teach anyway with the sore throat and all. Coming back from  school that Saturday, I had high fever. I slept all evening. The sore throat became worse. I was coughing non-stop. I was able to eat only a bit. 

That night I went to see the doctor and he gave me one day MC. Fine. That night, I couldn't breath. My breathing was short and made a sound. I knew that my asthma was attacking. In my mind, I wanted to go to the hospital so that I can use the oxygen mask to help me to breath. Interesting fact, I only had my asthma when I was 27 years old. Thanks to you, chalk at school. Thanks for being a "dedicated" teacher. 

Anyway, on Sunday, I rested at home. I slept a lot after taking the medicine. I was still coughing until I hurt my chest and abdomen. My voice wasn't back yet. I don't know where it went? Dah g beraya ker? So that night, I went to the same clinic to get another MC, which cost me RM10. Quite expensive for me. 

So today, Monday, I'm still resting but I think I'm better now. Resting at home is relaxing but it can get quite boring. Hopefully tomorrow I can go to school, but I'm not sure my voice is cooperating with me just yet.

Nk jugak buh gmbr yg xder kena mengena. This is at Padang Midin, Raya Haji.

Liking the wedges? 

Harta KaruN LamA 2..

Can't remember which year, but this was at Bukit Tinggi, Pahang. We were from KL and going back to Kemaman. 

Crystal Mosque, Kuala Terengganu. The mosque with it's own controversy.

Pavillion, Kuala Lumpur. Went to have dinner with friends. Edi came straight from work, he was tired. Mood so so jerk. =D

Vienna, One Utama. I think the shop is closed already. Bankrupt?

The year was 2007, the year I got married. We went to Pulau Redang with my extended family. It was fun!

Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. Lim Kok Wing's exhibition.

Kisah saYa daN bRg2 eLektriK/eLektroNik..

I've never been good at electrical stuff and gadgets. I refuse to learn as much because I know whatever happens, I have Edi to rely on. He knows a lot about these stuff. Whenever I damage or broke something, I just gave it to him and he will be able to fix it for me. Such an easy life for me. So whenever people ask me anything about this, I wouldn't know how to answer. 

Being me, I had managed to destroy a few things which are precious to me. My first laptop that I bought during my KPLI time was struck my lightning. I knew it was raining heavily with thunder and all at that time. But I was so busy doing something that I did not shut off my laptop. In the end, you can guess what happened. Edi tried to fix it for me but of course nothing could be done. But I was lucky because all my documents were able to be retrieved.

Then, I bought another laptop. It wasn't a month old when I cracked the screen!! I am just not good with all these gadgets, I don't know why. Again, Edi tried to fix it for me. He had to connect some wires and in the end, I had to use another monitor as my screen. So now, my laptop is like a computer. It is not mobile. 

My digital camera which was given by Edi as a wedding present, is also in a bad state right now. Yes, it is still usable, but the pictures taken are not sharp as before. I think I had drop it accidentally a few times. 

My last Nokia hand phone, which was also a wedding gift from Edi, was damaged suddenly. I don't know what I've done. I had problems with the volume and the keypad. When I sent it to be fixed, it wasn't fixable. Odd. So Edi bought me another hand phone which was Sony Ericsson, which I'm using until now. I still have a tiny problem with the keypad. But it doesn't matter cause it is still okey for me to use it.

As for my car, it is typical for a woman driver to know only to drive. If there is any problem with the car, what else can I do except cry. I only know how to fill up the fuel and go for service, that is the normal service. If anything else, I do have to wait for Edi to come back. Right now my car is making weird sounds in the morning. I think it is the timing belt. Edi said something about drive shaft. He explained to me about this once, but it did not stuck in my head for long.

The most recent thing happened, my hard disk. The one I use to store all my photos taken with the 60D. Very precious to me. The hard disk fell when I was trying to transfer some files. After that, I tried to open it, but it can't be detected. Don't worry, Edi might be able to fix it. I sent the hard disk to KL for Edi to try and do something. And today, I received the terrible news. There's nothing he can do about it and all the files inside are gone. Can't be retrieved. How I cried in the evening!! I cried until I fell asleep. Waking up, I had fever and my sore throat was getting worse. I could not speak. It hurt to speak. So I continued on sleeping for the whole evening. I woke up around 6.30pm. Felt much better as taking panadol active fast.

I am going to avoid the machine, but I think I won't be able to.

haRta kaRun LamA 1..

This was at One Utama. Maxis promotion.

I think this was raya. Can't remember the year, but what I do remember is that I can't fit into this baju kurung anymore.

Dinner at Tony Roma's, The Gardens. 

First time in Kelantan. Must go place - Pasar Khadijah.

Pantai Teluk Ketapang, after ICT.

Putrajaya. Some of my friends thought I was pregnant, but I wasn't. Blame the fabric.

ifTar At D'mUara, KuaLa terenGGanu

On 15th August, we celebrated Nazima's birthday. She's my little sister. Since it was still in Ramadhan, so we decided to break fast together. After a few choices, we finally decided to iftar at D'Muara. Somewhere in Losong/Pulau Kambing. It's located under the Sultan Mahmud bridge. The view was awesome. We could see the Crystal Mosque from there. The foods... also awesome. Yummy!! I think I will go to that restaurant again. Gonna bring Edi along next time. But one of my friends said that the service was terrible. She had to wait for about an hour for the food to arrive. We didn't experience such when we were there. Different waiters perhaps? Or because we had already booked ours earlier that day? I'm not sure. Looks like I have to go again to comment on the services. 

auStraLia triP 2010 - Last daY..

Our flight back to Malaysia was around noon. Edi and I woke up early to go to a park near our motel. We wanted to soak up Australia's atmosphere for the last time. Cause we did not know when we will be able to come back. Azida and Ridzuan did not want to tag along as they wanted to rest. Our trip was exhausting. We were rushing to do everything in a little time. We tried to do as much as possible. But still, we did not get the chance to go to Victoria Market, which is a must go tourist spot. It was closed when we went there.

Anyway, we walked to the park. The air was fresh and cool. Not too hot and not too cold. The park was empty except for a few passers by. I was amazed to find that the park was very neat and clean, compare to back home. For sure there will be rubbish thrown somewhere. But here, it is totally different. I really hope I can go to Australia again sometime.. Not to Melbourne but maybe to Gold Coast or Sydney. =D

Edi in front of our budget motel.

This is Albert Park Manor. Our room was at the attic/3rd level. Scary!

Arrived at the park near our hotel. I was already using the new handbag. =D

The soldiers who had died a long time ago.

I just love the big tree behind.

See how clean the park is.

Some monument that I have forgotten the name.

The monument from afar.

The lions and Edi.


Park in the city. Neat and clean. Also, the passers by.

Loved the weather.

As if laa kan.

Trying to be like the Australian. Most of them walk to go anywhere.

On the way back to our motel, we passed by a school.

Arrived and satisfied.

Azida's here! Time to go to the airport.

While waiting for Amy to come and pick us up.

Gonna miss u Melbourne.

Thanks a bunch Amy for being such a wonderful host!

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