UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

whAt?! resUMe?!!

My sister has been nagging me about taking masters or become a tutor in any college because it is hard for me to get transfered to KL/Selangor. Many of her friends became tutors, after being teachers. Some continued studying masters. So, this one fine day, by luck, my sister asked our childhood friend about it. She is a tutor at IIUM. She replied by saying there is a vacancy next year. Replacing her!! She's moving to follow her husband, I think. 

Now, I need to do a resume, which I haven't done in like 8 years!! With a help from a friend (she's applying as well), I'm still updating it. Quite hard because I need to remember back everything from the past. The courses' that I have attended during my teaching years.

Thanks to all the people who have been trying to help me with my long over due problem. There is one teacher from my school who is also trying to help me. She has a friend at PPD Wilayah. I need to go and see her friend and discuss my situation. If I am able to, I would want to be transfered to PPD Wilayah directly. No more schools to deal with. It's not that I don't enjoy teaching, I am just frustrated of how the "org atasan" have been treating me.

Oh well..
You can call this my second home. The airport.


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