UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

kRabi - byE bYe..

This will be the last post for overseas trip for this year. I won't be going anywhere any more this year, overseas I mean. As for "Cuti-Cuti Malaysia", we'll have to wait and see my conditions. 

Our flight back to Malaysia from Krabi was at noon. So we had our last breakfast at the hotel. Afterwards, Mak and Yus still wanted to do last minute shopping. I didn't felt like buying anything any more. 

The luxurious van came to pick us up again to go to the airport. In fact, we actually had book the van earlier, which is convenient but expensive. I tell you, whatever promotion or packages that they offer you at the airport or on your way to your destination, don't take it. They are usually more expensive. For example, on our way to our hotel, our driver stopped us at this travel office. They did offer us a good package for island hopping, or so I thought. Abah was firm and put his foot down. He refused to take the package. When we went to the beach, indeed the package for island hoping was way cheaper.

Waiting for our van

I was wearing my souvenir shirt from Sydney, cardigan from Bandung and bag from Krabi itself

Bye holiday


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