Hi! I have been missing-in-action for quite some time now. Not that I have lost interest in blogging but because of circumstances, I just don't know what to write about. There is one major topic that I can blog about, but I refused to share with the public just because of the history I went through 3 times.
Well, time to break the news here! I'm 7 months pregnant!! I told my FB friends yesterday, and the comments were overwhelming! I spent my day replying to my friends' comments. I was so happy to share the news, finally. I chose to keep it a secret because of my past experience, where I had 3 miscarriages. But my close friends and family knew about this pregnancy from the start, of course.
So, this time, when Edi and I knew that we were pregnant back in June, I told my mom first. She was in Madinah that time, I asked her to pray for me so that this time everything will okay. Edi told his parents as well. Then I told my siblings. Then my sister mentioned that I may be pregnant when I was in Sydney and Krabi. I thought about that, and I think the holidays were the beginning of my pregnancy. Later after my first appointment with the gynaecologist, which happens to be my aunty, I told my close friends and Edi told his. I have to tell you, it was quite hard keeping it a secret.
Anyway, during my 5th month, I had minor contraction. I can't believe I thought it was food poisoning. When I told my gynae, she asked me to go to the hospital immediately. I was facing another risk of miscarriage. I cried again, I didn't know whether I can take another episode of that again. Anyway, I was hospitalized. I had to undergo an operation called cervical cerclage. I was advised to bed-rest most of the time, no shopping, no holidays, no long travels, no heavy activities etc. I was also given MC. I did not go to school since October till the holidays. Come January 2013, I will still be given MC. Doctor says that I can't go anywhere and must not be on my feet until I safely deliver this baby.
At first, I have to admit, I was relieved, not going to school and all. But after some time, it got kind of bored staying at home. I just have to suck it up for the sake of the baby. I still have the internet, movies, sitcoms and books to keep me occupied. Most of the time, I sleep anyway. Whatever it takes for the baby, right? This is one of the reasons I have not been updating my blog. There's nothing much going on in my life except for the pregnancy. No pictures to upload and share.
The chance of us having a bouncy baby this time is high. But I will not stop praying until I see the baby with my own eyes and hold him in my own arms. Oh yeah, it is going to be a boy, in shaa Allah!! Do pray for us as well!!
Congrats teha...! Take care and insyaallah everything will be fine.
thx so much siti.. :)
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