UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..


It was about a week ago I gave birth to a strong bouncy baby boy, Harris Muqmeen Bin Eddie Hisyam. In a quick discussion, me, Edi and my doctor agreed that I was going to have the c-section on the 1/2/2013, which was also Hari Wilayah. It was Friday, and I guess it was a good day to give birth to my baby.

Our immediate families were there, my mom, father and mother-in-law and our siblings. The procedure was so quick. It took less than an hour, and it was done! The baby was out and Edi was the first to see him. I, of course, was still unconscious at that time. Everyone was waiting anxiously at the waiting room. Unfortunately, Harris Muqmeen had low sugar when he was born, so he was taken directly to the nursery to be fed. Everyone else had to see him through a picture Edi took when he "azankan" the baby.

When I was awake, the first thing I said was "Sakitnya!!". That was what I felt when I opened my eyes. I was awake but I could not open my eyes. But I did saw the doctor gave me some more drugs so that I'll doze off. I was fully waken up in my room. Everything is between seemed like I was in a dream. When I asked where my baby is, my family said he was still in the nursery. I asked a few times to see my baby. My doctor allowed me to see him for awhile. I felt like crying when I first saw him. All the emotion inside me felt like bursting. 

After staying at the hospital for 5 days, we were finally allowed to go home. It has been 10 days now. I still felt like crying now and then, for no reason sometimes. But I am definitely full of joy to finally have this baby in my life. Sleepless night seems okay to me. Even the baby's shrieking doesn't bother me that much. 

I am thankful to Edi for all the support that he gave from my early pregnancy up until now. He is very hands-on about the baby. He wants to learn everything on how to take care of the baby. I'm glad and overjoyed. I am also thankful towards both my mothers who help a lot. From buying baby stuff (which is quite expensive) to taking care of Harris Muqmeen.

I am looking forward to the journey of taking care of my long awaited baby with Edi. =)

Just before going to the operation theater in the morning

The very first time I saw my baby later that noon

The second day, playing with Harris Muqmeen

He had my face

On the 7th day when we officially announced his name

Now he looks like Edi, and he's doing Edi's mouth. ~saya dah botak~

8 MonThs pLus..

Tomorrow will be the 35th weeks of my pregnancy. A few more weeks to go. Can't wait to see my baby boy, to hold him in my arms. I hope I'm ready for motherhood. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. A lot will change in my life, that is for sure. 

Yesterday, I went to see my gynea with Edi. Baby's head is still upwards. Doctor said that baby may have a hard time to turn as there is the fibroid. But there is still space for him to turn. I am praying hard to have a normal delivery. But if I have to undergo ceaser, than it is okey. As long as baby is safe and healthy. As for now, baby is more or less 2.2kg. 

If I do have to opt for c-section, then we have to choose a date to deliver. I am hoping not to deliver during Chinese New Year. Maybe before that. I will be 37weeks. Baby will be ready to see the world by then.

My big tummy at 8 months plus

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