UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

whEre Is mY mOOd..?

Finally after weeks of ignoring my blog, I decided to look at it before I go back to my kampung. I realized I have only one post during the month of August. My mood has gone some where else. Blame it on my mood swing and hormonal change. 

I am just going to post pictures to tell you about my days during Ramadhan.

Ibu gave birth to 6 kittens. How about that, adding to family members. Anyone wants to adopt kittens?

This is during our iftar at Ampang Puteri Specialist. My aunty celebrates iftar with family every year. 
Ate a lot of lamb at Vistana Hotel. Iftar with Edi's friends.

Mak always amazed me with her cooking. Look at the prawn, Edi cooked that dish. Udang Telur Masin. This was at Taiping. Went back to see parents-in-law since this year we are celebrating raya in Terengganu.

Iga bakar at Dapur Penyet with Yus. Couldn't eat much that night, felt so bloated.


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