UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

wHat's wiTh bUkit gaMbanG watErpaRk?

It's 5.32p.m and I am very sleepy. I refuse to take a nap cause it's late in the evening. If it is 3.30p.m I might doze off for a bit. So instead of napping, I"ll update my blog about non other but old stories.

This is about Bukit Gambang Waterpark which is in Gambang, Pahang. I first went to this place when Edi had a meeting there. It was during a school holiday so I was in KL at that time. So we both went to Gambang. Edi's driver drove us. Yup, back then he had a driver, but not anymore. We stayed at the Caribbean Bay Suites. It's an apartment. When Edi went for his meeting, I went around the park alone. Just to see the surrounding. After feeling bored, I just chilled in our apartment. The food was okay. Anyway, we did not stay long, just 1 night. I did not bring my swim wear that time, so no splashing around for me. 

The second time was last year when, again, I went to accompany the form 3 students after their PMR. There were 3 other teachers, Asri, Cikgu Ya and Kak Nas. This time I was determined to get in the water. It was fun. But to tell you the truth, I think Sunway Lagoon is much better. But of course it is much expensive. I had a great time nevertheless. Felt young all over again. 

The third time was early this year. Again to accompany form 1 and 2 students for their yearly trip. Told you that I'm the tour teacher, tetap dan berpencen. Heh! Yeah, I had fun as well. But since everything is the same, it was kind of boring. In fact, the 2nd time I went there was just a few months back. Too soon if you ask me!

If anyone invite me to go there again now, I am sure to say no! Please let us go somewhere else.

First time

Second time. With one of the sportsman in school.

Third time. With one of the students from my class, 2 Zubir Al-Awwam


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