UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

ParaDise deLuxe..

This is one of Edi's favorite restaurant in Kuala Terengganu. It is situated at Pasir Panjang. They serve mainly seafood, but of course there are other dishes that are finger licking good. The prices are quite reasonable for that kind of restaurant. Quite exclusive I must say. There was this one year that we celebrated our anniversary there. During Ramadhan, we went for our iftar there as well. Sometimes, we went there just because Edi felt like eating crab. Fyi, there are 40 kind of crab menus. We have tasted 3 menus. Our last visit was quite a disappointment. There wasn't any crab available at all. Our main reason to go to that restaurant was to eat crab!

These are the pictures during our last visit, which was last weekend.

Keciwa xder crab

Hungry girl. She ate until her plate was totally empty. Please ignore the hungry face.

Tom Yam Paradise Style

Chicken with Mangoes

Butter Prawn

Paying time


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