UnsettLed Life..

tHis bLog iS juSt tO oCCupy mY fRee tIme.. tHat iS If i havE aNy..

That wEEkenD beFore Raya..

This post is suppose to be about raya already, like everyone else. But I choose not to just yet. Because I haven't finished blogging about before raya. So my raya story/pictures might be a bit late. That's okey cause raya is for a month, right!

The last 2 posts, I blogged about my raya shopping. This post is about the same thing. The difference is that Edi was the one who wanted to do the shopping. As usual, I accidentally bought something for myself as well. Isk. 

Edi wanted to buy a couple of shirts for raya. So we went to IPC because he wanted to go to the Padini Concept Store there. After rummaging through a hill of less-70% shirts there, he finally settled for the 2 shirts that I helped to choose.  

After that we walked around IPC and The Curve. I thought of buying a perfume for Edi which he wanted for so long. But he decided he did not want it at that time. Pffftt.. Since I did not get to buy the perfume for him, that was when the accident happened. We walked in Primavera after that. What do you think happened there?

Of course I bought a pair of heels!!

That night, we had our iftar that Dapur Penyet. I think that restaurant is going to be our regular place. The perks of having your sister-in-law there. We had to fetch her as well because we were going back to Taiping together later that night.

One of the shirts that he likes.

Sandal yg tak jadi beli. Kempunan.

My last purchase for this year Aidilfitri.

This is the heels.. Do you like it?

In front of Dapur Penyet.


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